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Our Mission

Nuestra misión

Nuestra misión es brindar servicios de consultoría de alta calidad que ayuden a nuestros clientes a comunicarse de manera efectiva con la comunidad hispana. Creemos que al cerrar las brechas lingüísticas, podemos crear conexiones significativas y abrazar la riqueza de la diversidad cultural.


Nuestra visión

Nuestra visión es ser la firma de consultoría líder para empresas y organizaciones que buscan comunicarse de manera efectiva con la comunidad hispana. Nuestro objetivo es romper las barreras del idioma y promover la diversidad cultural y la inclusión en todos los aspectos de la sociedad.

Conocer al equipo


Nina Cano Richards, Esq.

Born in Bolivia, Nina Cano Richards, Esq., immigrated to Charleston, SC, as a young child with her family in search of the American Dream.

Inspired by the challenges they experienced as New Americans, Nina dedicated her legal career to representing immigrants, their families,  and their employers through representation before the Department of Homeland Security and the Immigration Courts. Since 2014, Cano Law has served as a resource for immigrants, nonprofits, businesses, and the government agencies seeking to engage with the growing Hispanic population in SC. The Winthrop graduate is also an Adjunct Professor at the College of Charleston, is a resident of Goose Creek, and enjoys spending time with her family. 


Vanessa Góngora

Born and raised in Queens, NY, of Colombian parents, Vanessa Gongora, climbed a 15-year corporate ladder in marketing and advertising, in which she championed investment in Hispanic audiences, most notably at People en Español. Gongora has since led South Carolina workforce development efforts, case management for immigrant children, and managing pro-bono legal services for asylum seekers in detention centers in South Carolina and North Carolina.

Gongora also oversees the state's revenue and promotions for Norsan Media, a Hispanic and family-owned Spanish-language media company. Gongora lives in Mount Pleasant, SC with her two children.

Fundadoras Vanessa Góngora y Nina Cano Richards, Esq. compartir un historial de asociación con organizaciones, organizaciones sin fines de lucro y empresas para salvar barreras y crear espacios de acceso para comunidades multilingües.  Como profesionales de primera generación, navegamos nuestra experiencia honrando los sacrificios de nuestros padres inmigrantes, mientras creamos espacios para el acceso a servicios y programas esenciales para nuestra creciente comunidad hispana.

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